System Engineering Approaches Viva Questions

System Engineering Approaches Viva Questions

System Engineering Approaches Viva Questions, Short questions, and answers on System Engineering Approaches, Engineering Viva Questions, System Engineering Viva Questions,

Short Questions and Answers

Q.1. What is the role of systems engineering as a professional engineer?

Ans. System engineering is now recognized as a professional engineer and has an increasing role in government and industry. In fact, numerous graduate (and some undergraduate) degree programs are now available across the country. And a formal, recognized organization exists for systems engineering professionals.

Technical professionals have specific technical orientations – technical graduates tend to be highly specialized. Only a few become interested in interdisciplinary problems. It is these individuals who often become systems engineers.

Q.2. Describe the power systems engineering.

Ans. If power is measured by authority over people or money, then system engineers would appear to have little power as members of their system development team. Overall, systems engineering is a powerful discipline, requiring multidisciplinary knowledge, integrating diverse system elements. Systems engineers need to possess the ability to perform approximate calculations of complex phenomena, thereby providing sanity checks. Finally, they must have skeptical positive thinking as a prerequisite to prudent risk-taking.

Q.3. What do you understand from the perspectives of systems engineering?

Ans. A spectrum of views exists in understanding systems engineering, from a general system thinking approach to problems to the developmental process approach for systems engineering to the broad perspective of engineering systems. A perspective that relates a progression in the maturity of thinking includes the concept of systems thinking, system engineering, and engineering system.

Q.4. Describe the term systems engineering domains.

Ans. The engineering systems view encompasses not only traditional engineering disciplines but also technical and management domains and social, political/legal, and human domains. Scales at the extremes are of particular interest due to their complexity. The domain faces are now completely integrated into the systems engineer’s perspective.  

Q.5. What are the systems engineering fields?

Ans.  Systems engineering encompasses or overlaps with many related fields and sub-fields including engineering, program management, project management, operations analysis, architectures, modeling and simulation, and many more. As systems engineering matures, there will be an increasing number of perspectives from varying/different fields that adopt it as their own interest.

Q.6. Describe the systems engineering approaches.

Ans. The evaluation of a particular new system from the time when a need for it is recognized and a feasible technical approach is identified, through its development and introduction into operational use, is a complex effort, which will be referred to as the system development process. The development process involves five levels of decomposition (concept development, system-level design, sub-system design, detail design, and component development), specification, and integration testing.

Q.7. Define in short systems engineering activities and products.

Ans. A full systems life cycle view illustrated the close relationship with the management process and leads to a large, diverse set of activities and products. The variety and breadth of these products reflect the challenges early professionals have in understanding the full utility of engaging in systems engineering.

Q.8. What are the basic activities of systems engineering methods?

Ans. There are four basic activities of systems engineering:

  1. Requirement analysis
  2. Functional definition
  3. Physical definition
  4. Design validation 

These steps will vary in their specifics depending on the type of system and the phase of its development.

Q.9. Describe the spiral life cycle model.

Ans. The nature of the system development process, with the successive applications of the system engineering method to a stepwise definition/materialization of the system, has been captured in the so-called spiral model of the system life cycle. This model emphasizes that each phase of the development of a complex system necessarily involves an application of the systems engineering method and the continuing review and updating of the work performed and conclusions reached in the prior phases of the effort.

System Engineering Viva Questions

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